Chau Dang Van


Chau is responsible for managing Agricultural Education projects, including coordination of planning, implementation and reporting; and developing and implementing iCRA’s training programs to support higher education reforms in Third countries, including building capacity of Agricultural Education organizations to undertake practical learning linked to labour market demands.

She studied agronomy and specialized in livestock science during her PhD thesis. Before joining iCRA, she worked for more than 10 years in research and education in Belgium where, besides teaching and coaching activities, she played an active role in international development projects in the fields of agriculture and food and nutrition security. As a teacher, she already wanted to break away from traditional teaching by introducing a more interactive and blended approach.

She was born in Belgium and spent more than 10 years of her childhood in DRC, Rwanda and Burundi. Given that background, it seems natural for her to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment. It has also helped her to better understand cross-cultural interactions. She is fluent in English, French and Vietnamese. She is constantly broadening her learning and likes to separate out the essential from the subsidiary things and bring her enthusiasm and results-oriented culture to move forward.

When she is not working, you are most likely to find her running with her three children and her husband (them cycling!) in the nature, enjoying time with family and friends, playing the piano, or trying new cooking recipes. She is always looking for these human connections, those when you can be fully available to the present moment, those where you can build trust between

To find out more about her, visit her LinkedIn profile here.


Chau Dang Van

Chau Dang Van

Practice based education and Youth employability

  +31 (0)317 422 938