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The REEL-Mahita project promotes inclusive, commercially viable, and sustainable businesses. Trust-based business relationships make value chains more resilient and competitive. By professionalizing agribusiness advisors and the REEL Mahita team, iCRA ensures effective cluster facilitation.
Group of four people working as a team at a table

Strengthening livestock value chains in Niger

This project aims to inclusively and sustainably strengthen the livestock value chains in Niger by supporting the establishment and operation of agribusiness clusters, known in this context as Integrated and Collaborative Business Groups (GEIC). These clusters, structured around producer, processor, and trader organizations and cooperatives, support access to finance, inputs, equipment, and transportation. By building trust-based business relationships, clusters make value chains more resilient and competitive, securing the sale of products at sustainable prices.

Building Agribusiness Clusters

iCRA’s role in this initiative focuses on facilitating the creation and operation of these agribusiness clusters. We provide training that allows members of the local food system to become cluster coaches. They learn to build trust among actors and develop essential skills such as communication, negotiation, and fairness. Our model emphasizes mentoring, coaching, and collective reflection, setting the ground work for long-term collaboration. Coaches organize technical support to improve farming practices, facilitate access to credit and insurance, and connect cluster actors with relevant expertise and innovations. Additionally, we emphasize strengthening business management and leadership skills, preparing actors to navigate market needs effectively.

Innovation, resilience and employment

The REEL-Mahita project promotes inclusive, commercially viable, and sustainable businesses. By professionalizing agribusiness advisors and the REEL Mahita team, we ensure effective cluster facilitation and coaching. This initiative directly benefits actors in the livestock value chains of Tillabéry, Dosso, and Tahoua regions, encompassing 52 communities. Our holistic approach, which integrates gender equality and the inclusion of vulnerable groups, aims to drive agricultural productivity, resilience, and rural development for growth in Niger’s agricultural sector.




2023 - 2024



Key theme(s)

Agribusiness Clusters, Food security, Livestock



“Cluster coaches will help build lasting and inclusive business relationships and, more broadly, promote local development and empowerment.”

Roland Fadina
Project Coordinator

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