Trust in Action: resources for you

November 15, 2023

Trust is a prerequisite for fruitful collaboration. At iCRA we also believe it is the fuel for a thriving agri-food system. How can you bring trust to life in your day to day work?

Recently we gathered ‘under the mango tree’ with the iCRA community to explore, learn and inspire on the topic of ‘Trust in Action’. As a celebration of iCRA’s 40 building trust, we explored new perspectives on trust and connected together during an online conference. The day was packed 12 practical workshops approaching trust from diverse angles. Plenary sessions also included a fascinating keynote conversation outlining the four fertilisers of trust in a community of leaders and musical interludes celebrating connection and, of course, trust!

We are excited to share the collective wealth of expertise, experience, and fresh insights gained during this conference. This valuable information is now available to everyone here on iCRA’s website. Click the link below to access the recordings of insightful workshops, practical one-page handouts, and more!

Access Free Resources from Trust in Action

If you missed the event, a particular session or you want to revisit the content of your favourite workshop – this is for you! Don’t forget to also check out the improvised music performance by Nick Demeris which tied together our conversations about trust to close the day.

Listen to the Trust Song

Want to join us under the mango next time iCRA’s community gathers? Stay up to date on the latest events and expertise from iCRA by signing up to our email list and joining our LinkedIn community. Through these platforms we share Expert Bites from iCRA’s trainers, course offerings, news and more!