Join the iCRA Expert talk ‘Neuroscience of Trust’

June 6, 2024

Join the iCRA Expert Talk: “The Neuroscience of Trust in agribusiness”

Looking to understand the psychology of trust in agribusiness, implement effective trust-building strategies, and expand your network? Join the very first iCRA Expert talk, to be hold on June 27th. Reserve your spot now!

In this online session, we delve into “The Neuroscience of Trust” with iCRA partner and agribusiness strategist Gerald Mutua. Learn practical strategies to enhance trust within the agricultural sector. Gerald’s field experience ensures that the discussed strategies are both practical and transformative. Connect with like-minded professionals and acquire tools to foster high-trust environments.

About Gerald Mutua
Gerald is founder of CropCare Technologies, Kenya, and esteemed iCRA partner. He specializes in horticultural agriculture, food security, and sustainable agribusiness. He is committed to improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, women, and youth.

Event Details:

  • Date and time: Thursday June 27th, 2024 2.30-3.30 CEST
  • Language: English
  • Registration: Subscribe for your free ticket now!

What is an iCRA Expert talk?

Building on the success of our popular iCRA Expert bites, where we share snippets of our knowledge and expertise, we are excited to launch iCRA Expert talks. These are regular online events featuring experts from our global network. Our aim is to foster engaging interactions within the iCRA Community, providing a platform for learning and connection. And of course have fun together!