Exciting News! iCRA formalises collaboration with Rikolto East Africa

February 20, 2024

iCRA is thrilled to announce the formal collaboration between iCRA and Rikolto East Africa in fostering a thriving and sustainable Agri-Food System! Our joint commitment lies in building trusted partnerships in agribusiness to ensure sustainable incomes for farmers and provide nutritious, affordable food for all. In alignment with Rikolto’s Global Strategy 2022-2026 and iCRA’s Global Strategy 2023-2027 Growing Together, our joint goals include:

Strengthening Inclusive Market Development:

🤝 Catalyzing collective action for local and regional food markets

🌐 Bridging gaps between smallholder farmers, private and public sectors

🌍 Creating innovative solutions for accessing, distributing, and producing high-quality, nutritious food

Enhancing Employability of Young Agribusiness Professionals:

🎓 Aligning agricultural education with market needs

🌱 Adapting curricula of TVETs for sustainability and innovation in agribusiness

🚀 Creating off-farm employment opportunities for the youth in the changing landscape of food production and distribution

Our collaboration focuses on partnership facilitation, participatory approaches for development of inclusive product-market combinations to nurture local and regional food markets. Together, we aim to activate the role of agricultural education institutes and business development eco-system in the transformation of the food system.

As proud partners of AMEA (Agribusiness Market Ecosystem Alliance), Rikolto East Africa and iCRA express the hope that more AMEA members and non-members will join us in this hands-on, transformative partnership. Together, we aim to pool resources and knowledge, amplifying our collective efforts and impact on fostering a sustainable Agri-Food System. Join us in this collaborative journey towards a resilient and prosperous future!