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It is always sad when new team members decide to leave again, just when they’re hitting their full potential. What you can do to keep them?

When I first started as iCRA’s director five years ago, one thing I had to get used to fast was seeing colleagues leave. Especially the ones who’d just joined. It was frustrating. Nice, enthusiastic colleagues. We’d invested in them, they’d grown, and just when I felt they were ready for their next step, they’d be off to something new. And yes, I also simply liked them as people. So, of course, I wondered: is it me? 

But over time, I learned not to take it personally. Even when they told me they appreciated me as a supervisor, it still stung. Because at an organizational level, it wasn’t just about losing a person, it was about missing out on the moment when all that investment could pay off.

Why do people leave 

Sure, the overstrained job market hasn’t helped. Good people get lots of opportunities, especially in our sector. But I didn’t want to hide behind that excuse. I made sure there was a good match between tasks and skills, the person fitted well into the team, learned a lot and was given a lot of responsibility. And still, they decided to move on. The deeper reason? Their personal purpose just didn’t fully align with iCRA’s. One colleague wanted to improve education, but agriculture wasn’t their passion. Another wanted to coach entrepreneurs, but hands-on, not from a distance. 

Purpose alignment builds real commitment

I see the same patterns in our Making Leadership Work masterclass. Leaders are often busy broadcasting the organization’s purpose. But here’s the catch: what really keeps a team committed isn’t just knowing your  purpose, it’s understanding theirs. What makes your team members tick? What do they care about? Where do their values meet the organization’s mission? The more overlap, the more energy, motivation and loyalty you’ll see. 

Want to dig into someone’s personal purpose? Start by asking: What’s the thing you’re most proud of at work? Or flip it: What’s something that frustrates you? These questions often lead to conversations about values. And that’s where the gold is. It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but about how and for whom we’re making a difference. 

Curious how to build a team that sticks around, inspired and committed? iCRA’s Making Leadership Work masterclass is a great place to start. Want to have a chat about it? Just reach out!

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