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We drive agribusiness development in Nigeria by training 110+ local coaches and trainers. We’ve built sustainable value chains in key sectors like cassava, dairy, and horticulture. Partnering with firms like Nestle and Friesland Campina, we foster collaboration among farmers, SMEs and stakeholders.


Cees Peter van den Brink

Our impact in Nigeria

Our pool of partnerships facilitators is the legacy we leave. Because we focus on training local professionals, our results grow along with our network.


Cluster coaches trained


Active agribusiness trainers


Open-entry course alumni


Cluster coaches trained


Active agribusiness trainers


Open-entry course alumni

iCRA's work in Nigeria

In Nigeria we contributed to the development of sustainable value chains that connect smallholder farmers with major companies like Nestle and Friesland Campina. We facilitated partnerships that have improved market access and profitability across seven commodities, including cassava, maize and soybeans.

Transforming the Horticulture Sector

Through the HortiNigeria program, iCRA established 20 high-performing horticultural clusters in Kaduna and Kano states. By empowering farmers and building trust among value chain actors, this initiative has strengthened the horticulture sector, leading to more resilient and profitable networks.

Supporting Agribusiness Education

Since 2017, iCRA’s ‘Making Agribusiness Work’ course has trained 50 Nigerian agribusiness advisors. These professionals now support farmer organizations and processing companies in achieving sustainable growth.

Direct Impact on Smallholder Farmers

iCRA’s tailored training program with Nuru Nigeria has empowered 500 women-led smallholder farms, enhancing their market access and value chain opportunities. Additionally, a scoping study conducted by iCRA for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has provided essential insights into Nigeria’s agricultural education system, guiding future interventions.

Let's build things better

You might have an idea, a challenge or even a dream. Let's make a change together. It all starts with a quick "hello" :)

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