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In Iraq, we are contributing to Sustainable Development Goals zero hunger and clean water and sanitation. Our activities boost education and training for climate smart agriculture, sustainable horticulture and efficient water management. We help educators prepare entrepreneurial graduates read to build their own enterprises.


Mariette Gross

Our impact in Iraq

Our pool of partnerships facilitators is the legacy we leave. Because we focus on training local professionals, our results grow along with our network.


Universities supported


Revised curricula


Inclusion and gender equality plans implemented


Active agribusiness innovation coaches


Universities supported


Revised curricula


Inclusion and gender equality plans implemented


Active agribusiness innovation coaches

Supporting Iraq's new generation of agri-food entrepreneurs

Innovative pedagogy

Iraq’s changing agricultural landscape demands practically skilled, entrepreneurial young agri-food professionals. Our training improves university teaching by integrating interactive methods and practical skills training. Honing students’ entrepreneurial and life skills is a priority. Graduates equipped with business acumen, problem-solving abilities, and industry connections are better prepared for success. We also strengthen relationships between educational institutions and the private sector. This enables educators to align education with the labor market’s needs and provide students with opportunities for practical learning experiences, like internships.

Building networks

We facilitate knowledge sharing and application by building partnerships between educational institutes, private sector partners, and extension services. When universities are connected to key stakeholders, opportunities for collaborative research arise. Private sector and university staff have also benefitted from innovative horticultural knowledge through demonstrations and digital tools.

Gender inclusion

We prioritise supporting minorities and women through targeted training. We have also supported six universities to develop and implement gender equality plans. The universities also established gender units and committees led by their Presidents.

Let's build things better

You might have an idea, a challenge or even a dream. Let's make a change together. It all starts with a quick "hello" :)

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