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Our network of alumni and partners in Benin is extensive and strengthened by our colleague Roland. Our project experience there reflects iCRA's dual focus on agribusiness and agri-education. We have collaborated in impactful projects like PROAGRI, DEFIA and ACMA.


Roland Fadina

Our impact in Benin

Our pool of partnerships facilitators is the legacy we leave. Because we focus on training local professionals, our results grow along with our network.


Coaches facilitating partnerships


Active agribusiness clusters


Open-entry course alumni


Education institutions collaborated with


Coaches facilitating partnerships


Active agribusiness clusters


Open-entry course alumni


Education institutions collaborated with

Leveraging partnerships in Benin

In Benin, our work is embedded in an extensive network. In the agribusiness domain, we’ve collaborated with various impactful projects and programs. These include DEFIA funded by Enabel, ProAgri funded by GIZ, and ACMA funded by FDC. We strengthen agribusiness clusters and drive sustainable growth in local communities. We train agribusiness trainers and equip cluster coaches with the skills to guide fruitful partnerships.

Our goal in the agri-education sector is to ensure that learners gain practical skills that make them employable. We’ve partnered with agricultural technical colleges and universities to revise curricula. We also support educators design and deliver more practical sessions. Together we are preparing the next generation of agri-food professionals to meet the needs of the evolving agricultural sector.

Our Beninese partners

Our partners in Benin include Christophe Kinha and his organisation RAD-ONG. Christophe is one of iCRA’s 2006 alumni and our long-standing partner. We have trained over 140 agri-food professionals from Benin in our open entry courses and many more through our projects.

Let's build things better

You might have an idea, a challenge or even a dream. Let's make a change together. It all starts with a quick "hello" :)

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