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iCRA's network is deep rooted in Kenya. More than 70 alumni from courses alone are active in our Kenyan community. We have trained many more through projects. Our most impactful recent projects in Kenya include 2SCALE and EARNED.


Cees Peter van den Brink

Our impact in Kenya

Our pool of partnerships facilitators is the legacy we leave. Because we focus on training local professionals, our results grow along with our network.


Active agribusiness trainers


Cluster coaches facilitating partnerships


Education institutions collaborated with


Active agribusiness trainers


Cluster coaches facilitating partnerships


Education institutions collaborated with

Stronger with our Kenyan partners

We continue to train agribusiness partnership facilitators in Kenya. We also guide educational institutions to integrate blended, practice-based learning. Crucial to our impact are two of our most integral in-country partners. Gerald Mutua the founder of CropCare Technologies and Irene Njogu of Agriwise Africa base themselves in Kenya. The national farmer’s organisation KENAFF is also one of our valued partners.

In collaboration with CropCare Technologies and Agriwise Africa, we are currently working with the Cereal Growers Association. Together we are training their Farm to Market Alliance field staff. This project focuses on building their negotiation, facilitation and conflict management skills.

Let's build things better

You might have an idea, a challenge or even a dream. Let's make a change together. It all starts with a quick "hello" :)

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