Stay tuned!
We implemented this project within DEFIA funded by Enabel Benin. The project's goal was to strengthen and coach existing and potential pineapple clusters. We supported fifteen clusters in leveraging partnerships to achieve business development and commercial objectives.

We gathered the key players from the fifteen clusters to map their current business relationships. We also sought to formulate common goals for the future. Together we designed a strategic action plan for leveraging partnerships to achieve business development and commercial objectives. Based on this action plan, the group identified the skills they need to succeed. We designed a support plan based on relevant coaching themes.

Coaching through learning cycles

In the next phase, we designed and implemented 5 action-learning cycles for the 15 clusters. A pair of coaches supported each cluster through the process.. The learning cycles covered topics such as: building business relationships, competition-collaboration, conflict management, financial and credit management, cost reduction, business planning, negotiation, contracting, and marketing.

After two years supporting the clusters, we came together for a review and capitalisation workshop. Together we assessed the project’s achievements and discussed the potential to integrate this approach in the institutional structure of Benin’s farm advisory system.




2020 - 2022



Key theme(s)

Agribusiness clusters, Pineapple sector





Let's build things better

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